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2014 Calendar

SEPTEMBER 2 - Regular Communication, 7:30

SEPTEMBER 12 - Masonic Eduction, 6:30

SEPTEMBER 15 - Entered Apprentice Degree, 7:30 note - MONDAY night
SEPTEMBER 23 - 10th Dist. Inspirational Meeting, 7:00 AASR - Garners Ferry Road

SEPTEMBER 23 - Fellow Craft Degree, 7:30 (* NOTE: CANCELLED)

OCTOBER 7 - Regular Communication, 7:30

NOVEMBER 18 - Practice for Masters Degree 6:30pm (Pizza will be served before practice starts)

NOVEMBER 25 - Masters Degree (Dinner served at 6:45pm  Work begins at 7:30pm)

DECEMBER 2 - Regular Communication, 7:30pm (Dinner served at 6:45pm)

(*) indicates TENTATIVE meeting, pending on ballots and candidate(s)

Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge
 of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina