The Masters and Warden's Clubs of the 8th and 10th Masonic Districts have merged
to form the Square and Compass Club of the Midlands.
Membership is open to any Master Mason in good standing and
a lifetime membership is only $ 25.00.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
R.W. Bro. Jeff Hall, President
W. Bro. Dean Strickland, Vice President
R.W. Bro. Mike Broom, PDDGM,
Past Grand Marshall
W. Bro. Robert (Bob) Blackwell,
Next meeting will be held
Thursday, September 30, 2014
Dentsville Lodge #398, A.F.M.
We will have s guest speaker!
Eat at 6:30 p.m.
Come out and enjoy the fellowship.
For additional information contact
R.W. Bro. Mike Broom, P.D.D.G.M.,
Past Grand Marshall
Secretary, Square and Compass Club of the Midlands
at 699-9465 with any questions
or you can contact the
officers via e-mail:
R.W.Bro. Jeff Hall, DDGM, 10th, President
R.W. Bro. Mike Broom, PDDGM,
10th, Gr. Marshall, Sec.
W. Bro. Bob Blackwell, Chaplain
Updated information forthcoming... stay tuned.
ALL Master Masons in good standing are welcome to join us. LIFE membership is only $
The Square and Compass Club of the Midlands is proud to have contributed well over $ 50,000 to
the Scottish Rite Care Learning Center Endowment. We have also contributed almost $ 70,000 to the National
Muscular Sclerosis Society as well as the York RIte Charities, and the local Boy Scouts.
Masonry contributes over $ 2.5 MILLION A DAY to various charities and into the community!!!
More charities will soon be assisted by our club as time goes on. Thanks for all of your help and support!
Contact us via e-mail by clicking here

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